Can CBD balm make you tired?

Can CBD make you tired

In a word, “No”. CBD balm or cream or body oil will not make you tired.

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Unlike oral CBD products, it is applied topically that is directly onto the skin at the point of pain or discomfort, soothing the area without causing any drowsiness or fatigue.

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabinoid is a natural compound found in the Hemp Plant. It is one of a hundred compounds that are extracted from the plant with notable benefits such as a natural anti-inflammatory without any psychoactive effect. It does not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) as this is the psychoactive part of the plant. Taylor’s CBD products do not contain THC, allowing users to experience therapeutic properties without any mind-altering effects.

How does CBD balm or cream work?

The CBD Balm or CBD cream will be applied directly to the point of pain by massaging it into the skin for targeted relief. Once absorbed, The CBD will bind with receptors which are found throughout the body, easing muscle and joint aches and pains.

How long does CBD balm or cream take to work?

Normally you will notice pain relief within 15 minutes of application. They can be reapplied as and when needed throughout the day to help manage discomfort.

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