Women’s period pain tends to be overlooked by doctors despite women enduring pain month after month. Period cramps are common and yet we put up with it because it’s just “the time of the month”. A 2014 survey(1) of over 2,400 women experiencing chronic pain revealed that 84% felt they were “treated differently by doctors because of their sex” and 65% believed their doctors didn’t take their pain less seriously because they were female.” (2) This same survey reported that many of these women frustrated with traditional medical responses, sought alternative pain therapies, they found that CBD had an 80% success rate among those surveyed.
Understanding Period Pain and Why It’s Often Ignored
Period pain generally affects the pelvic pain in the area below the belly button and between the hips generally occurring prior to a period and when having a period. For some the pain is so chronic that it can be disruptive to daily life. Unfortunately, women’s pain is routinely ignored, deferred, or even worse downplayed. Pain killers are regularly given out, so it’s no wonder that many women are taking pain management into their own hands.
How CBD Can Help with Period Pain Relief
CBD products are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to over-the-counter pain relief. CBD reduces inflammation by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, thus reducing pain. Massaging in the Taylor’s CBD Balm or Body Oil into your tummy or lower back will warms the area, CBD will bind with the Cannabinoid receptors, reduce inflammation and therefore reduce pain.
Creating a Self-Care Routine
When menstrual discomfort arises, there’s nothing like feeling warm and cosy. Try soaking in a warm bath with a CBD infused bath bomb, light some candles and listen to some soothing chill-out music. Afterwards wrap yourself in a soft fluffy towel, massage into your belly Taylor’s Body Oil infused with calming lavender and eucalyptus to relieve tension and help to feel so much better. A little self-love goes a long way.
- [1] Joe Fassler, How Doctors Take Women’s Pain Less Seriously, THE ATLANTIC (Oct. 15, 2015) https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/10/emergencyroom-wait-times-sexism/410515/; Laura Kiesel, Women and pain: Disparities in experience and treatment.
- [2] Pat Anson, Ed., Women in Pain Report Significant Gender Bias, NATIONAL PAIN REPORT (Sept. 12, 2014) http://nationalpainreport.com/women-in-pain-report-significant-gender-bias-8824696.html.